A US Navy enlistee is facing criminal charges regarding a car wreck that occurred Sunday, October 16th in San Diego, California. Richard Sepolio, 25, lost control of his pickup truck and drove it off of a bridge into a festival crowd. The truck landed 60 feet below on a vendor’s booth. 4 people were killed and 9 were injured, including Sepolio. He faces charges of DUI and vehicular manslaughter. Reports also state that Sepolio had his cell phone in hand upon landing.
Witnesses described the scene as “horrific.” One witness described the scene “as if Superman had thrown a car right off the bridge. It was just flying down.”
The deceased are Cruz Contreras, 52, Annamarie Contreras, 50, Andre Banks, 49, and Francine Jimenez, 46. One of the 8 injured bystanders suffered major trauma, and the 7 others had minor to moderate injuries, according to the San Diego Fire-Rescue Department. Several officers were already on hand as the crash unfolded, and were able to respond immediately. They enlisted the help of several event-goers to lift the crashed truck off of people.

Source: http://abcnews.go.com/US/wireStory/truck-plunges-off-san-diego-bridge-killing-crowd-42838291