On Wednesday afternoon, two 18-wheeler trucks were involved in a head-on collision at the Louisiana-Texas border, causing a shutdown of the interstate for several hours.
The crash occurred on Highway 6 at the Pendleton Bridge, right on the border of Texas and Louisiana. Exact details on the crash have not yet been reported, but one of the large trucks, hauling chicken feed, descended off the bridge and into the underlying Toledo Bend Reservoir.
The driver of this truck escaped the cab, and was sitting on top of the above-water portion of the truck. He was eventually picked up by a fisherman and taken back to land, where he was medically evaluated by emergency personnel. The other truck, and its driver, remained on the bridge after the accident.
Thankfully neither truck driver was injured in the crash, and no other vehicles were involved. No charges have been reported against either driver.

Source: KTBS.com