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The driver of an Idealease rental truck was injured yesterday after he crashed into the back of an 18-wheeler leaving the entrance to Vulcan Materials Co., an asphalt plant.
The crash took place at about 8:20 a.m. Monday morning on the 5500 block of Texas Highway 71 west of Austin in Spicewood, Texas. The 18-wheeler gravel truck had reportedly just pulled out of the entryway to the plant when the rental truck crashed into the back of it. As seen below, the cab of the rental truck sustained serious damage from the crash.
According to reports, the rental ruck was loaded with medical supplies. The driver of the rental was driven to a nearby hospital by Marble Falls Area EMS.

Source: https://www.dailytrib.com/2018/03/12/rental-truck-slams-into-gravel-hauler-on-texas-71-in-spicewood/