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Austin: 512-Hurt-Bad
Dallas: 972-Hurt-Bad

Choosing the right Personal Injury Attorneys in Texas is a very important decision to make. Here at L|T Legal Team we know that when an individual is injured, the injured party and their family are typically under tremendous stress and pressure. If you have been injured due to any of the following reasons make sure to give our Texas Personal Injury Attorneys a call:
- Automobile or Motorcycle Accidents
- Pedestrian Accidents
- Hit and Run Accidents
- Workers Compensation
- Medical Malpractice
The injured person may be dealing with pain, missed work, mental stress, doctors appointments, rehabilitation, as well as the financial stress of costly hospital bills and lost wages. A Personal Injury Attorney from L|T Legal Team can help reduce the worry, uncertainty and pressure that may be placed on you and your family.
Why Choose a Texas Personal Injury Attorney from L|T Legal Team to Represent Your Case?
We are dedicated to making sure that all of our clients receive fair and just compensation for their injuries. You have rights after an accident and we want to make sure that they aren’t being trampled by the insurance companies. Not sure if you have a case? We offer totally free consultations. Just give our attorneys a call today at 214-484-1930 to learn what you can do to ensure you receive just compensation for your injury.