We offer free case evaluations, and you owe nothing unless we win. Call before time on your case runs out.
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Austin: 512-Hurt-Bad
Dallas: 972-Hurt-Bad

Looking for a personal injury attorney in Texas? L|T Legal Team represents people in Dallas, Austin, and cities across Texas when they are the victims of personal injury and accidents. Injuries can happen to anyone. When they are not your fault, you may have legal recourse to get financial compensation. Our attorneys can help you and your family get the settlement you deserve. Come in today for a free consultation to learn how our law firm can help you.
Get the Best Personal Injury Attorney in Texas Today at L|T Legal Team
- We Specialize in Personal Injury and Wrongful Death Cases of all Kinds
- Automobile Accident Cases
- Medical Malpractice
- Workplace Injuries
- Truck and Motorcycle Accidents
If you have been hurt on the job, in a car accident, or any other type of personal injury, our lawyers will work to get responsible parties to give you the financial compensation you deserve. If you have medical bills because of an injury, have lost salary or wages from missing work, or experienced pain and suffering, you may be entitled to have your expenses covered by the responsible party.
We charge no fee unless we are successful in your case and will give you and your family a free initial consultation. Stop in today to learn how we can help you.
Get the legal representation you need from the best attorneys and lawyers in Texas. L|T Legal Team will work hard for you and your family. Call us today.