A chaotic accident in Fowlerville, Michigan unfolded last week when over 50 vehicles were involved in a pileup incident.
The wreck occurred last week on December 8th on Interstate 96 at Wallace Road, around 10 a.m. The pileup started just as snow began to cover the entire region. It is unclear exactly how the chain reaction occurred, but the inclement weather was the chief contributing factor to the wreck. Police reported that they did not consider alcohol to be a factor in the wreck. As the snow caused slick roads and a lack of visibility, once the initial collision took place, car after car kept plowing into one another. The final vehicle count was 53.

Three people were killed in the wreck. Two of them, Homer Leon Tew, 69, and Theresa O’Connor Tew, 62, were in the same vehicle. The third victim, a 28-year-old man from Hollywood, Florida, has not been identified due to an inability to notify his next of kin. The unidentified man is believed to have been the driver of an 18-wheeler, though that has not been confirmed.
11 people were also injured, though none appeared to sustain life-threatening injuries. They were sent to nearby hospitals for treatment.
The road itself was shut down for over 12 hours as cleanup and investigation was underway. Between 50 and 75 first responders are reported to have assisted at the scene of the incident.