Empowering You: Protect Your Interests After a Car Wreck

We offer free case evaluations, and you owe nothing unless we win. Call before time on your case runs out.

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Austin: 512-535-1649
Dallas: 214-484-1930

Michael and I have each been practicing personal injury law for well over a decade. During this time, we have handled thousands of car wreck cases and have gained extensive knowledge about the ins and outs of handling a car wreck claim every step of the way — from opening a claim through trial. We also learned that most people, including lawyers who do not practice personal injury, do not know the steps that need to be taken following a car accident in order to protect a bodily injury claim. Believe me, insurance companies will prey on every mistake you make.

That’s why we’ve just published a free book: “From Wreck to Recovery: 13 Things You Must Know to Stop the Insurance Company from Wrecking Your Finances and Your Health.” The concept of the book is a simple one: We want to give you the information you need to protect your insurance claim and help you make the decisions that are best for you. Sometimes that decision even means handling your own claim without a lawyer, which may be the best decision for you and your family.

Making informed decisions following a car wreck not only helps maximize your claim, it also reduces stress in what is an already tense situation. To that end, here are a few of the topics we cover in the book:

  • do you even need a lawyer;
  • how to make the most of a free consultation with a lawyer;
  • common insurance tricks to look out for;
  • personal injury myths;
  • common mistakes that ruin good claims; and many others.

Having the information you need to make the right decisions goes a long way towards reducing unnecessary stress.

On a daily basis, we see the struggles people deal with after a car wreck — there’s the physical pain, the stress of not having a working vehicle, and even the missed work time that starts to eat away at your finances. Having to deal with all of this, on top of the usual daily stresses of life, is often too much for most of us to handle. During this time, it is easy to make a mistake, hire the wrong lawyer for your needs, or get taken advantage of by an insurance company that puts its own interests ahead of yours. We believe our book can give people the information they need to avoid these mistakes.

It is worth repeating that no matter how many times insurance companies say it, they are not on your side, they are not like good neighbors, and you are not in good hands. When going up against a multibillion-dollar company whose goal is to maximize profits at all costs, you need to have the basic information necessary to fight back and protect yourself. You need this information before you contact an attorney and especially if you try to handle your claim without legal assistance. This is why we wrote the book.

So, do yourself a favor and visit www.FromWreckToRecovery.com and download a free PDF of our book. You will also see a link for a free hard copy if you prefer to flip pages, like I do. Michael and I truly believe that our role as personal injury lawyers is to empower our clients. Part of empowering them is providing the information they need. Expect more books, videos, and information on our website to help you protect your legal interests if and when the time arises. We hope all is well with you and your family.

Contact Us

Austin: 512-535-1649
Dallas: 214-484-1930

We offer free case evaluations, and you owe nothing unless we win. Contact us today, and let us go to work for you.