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Call: 214-496-5196
For Representation By The Best Social Security Disability Lawyers Near Dallas
If you live in or near Dallas, finding a social security disability attorney to assist with the initial application or the denial of an application for Social Security disability benefits is important. A lawyer for social security provides guidance through the application process, which can be extremely complicated, and also provides answers to any questions you may have throughout the process.
Not working with top social security disability attorneys increases the risk of the original application being denied. This can occur if the multiple pages of the application are incorrectly completed, if personal information is missing or if all relevant medical professionals and treatments are not listed and documented.
Our Experienced Team Of Social Security Disability Lawyers
Not all legal firms in Dallas provide highly experienced social security disability attorneys to represent your best interests. At Lovins Law, we specialize in these types of cases and work on an ongoing basis to ensure your case meets the Social Security Administration criteria for acceptance of your application.
In the event the application is denied, we are the best social security disability lawyers near Dallas to handle your appeal. This will include a review of the application in a reconsideration process, followed by a hearing before an Administrative Law Judge (ALJ) if the reconsideration is not favorable.
Let our team at Lovins Law represent your best interests in your Social Security disability claim. For a free Dallas case evaluation, call us today at (214) 496-5196.