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All too often, that feeling of freedom from riding a motorcycle comes to a crashing end due to another driver’s failure to pay attention to the road way. In an instant, lives are changed forever. With the amount of texting, cellphone usage, and drunk driving on our roadways, motorcycle riders are at a greater risk of injury than ever.
Motorcycle accidents can be devastating and some residual injuries may not be evident immediately after impact. When you are in a motorcycle accident what you do after can determine the outcome of rest of your life. It is vitally important to get the proper medical and legal attention you need. Protecting your health is important. So is protecting vital evidence that can be lost with unnecessary delay or inexperienced legal representation. An experienced Dallas motorcycle attorney can help you with both.
Contact an Experienced Dallas Motorcycle Attorney Immediately At Lovins Law at 214-484-1930. Our attorneys have represented numerous victims of motorcycle accidents. We will work tirelessly to get you the medical attention you need to address your injuries and the financial compensation you deserve to make you whole again.
- This includes compensation for the following:
- Immediate and future Medical Costs
- Loss of Limbs
- Loss of Brain Function(s)
- Continuing Medical Bills, such as Physical Therapy
- Death of a Loved One
- Loss of Income and ability to earn income due to your injuries; and
- Pain and suffering due to your injuries
If you were hurt in a motorcycle accident, an experienced lawyer can be just as important as an experienced doctor, so call the experienced Dallas Motorcycle attorneys at Lovins Law today for a free consultation.
If a loved one was killed due to another person’s negligence, money won’t bring back your loved one. But compensation can help mitigate the financial repercussions of an untimely death. The law also protects your right to compensation for the emotional toll that results from the loss of a loved one.
Your right to recover includes, but is not limited to:
- Funeral Costs
- Medical Life Support
- Payment of the Deceased’s Debts
- Grief Counseling
- Loss of Income
Compensation for the death of a loved one due to a motorcycle accident can help with getting the proper medical and emotional support you need. It is within your rights to seek compensation when someone’s negligence leads to the wrongful death or permanent injuries of a loved one. Let us go to work to protect your legal rights.
Motorcycle Accidents in Dallas Can be Fatal Even with a Helmet
Whether you are the operator or the passenger, motorcycle injuries are compounded due to the nature of the vehicle. The fatality rate and injury rate is exceptionally high in a motorcycle accident. According to the Insurance Information Institute, over 4,600 people died in a motorcycle accident in 2013 and over 88,000 people were injured. Per vehicle mile driven, you are 26 times more likely to die in a motorcycle accident when compared to being in a car accident.
Safety should always come first when operating a motor vehicle. That is why in Texas motorcyclists are required to take a rider safety course. In Texas, motorcyclists aged 21 or older who have completed a rider safety course are not required to wear a helmet if they have adequate medical insurance. Because motorcycle collisions often occur between a motorcycle and a car, the impact can cause concussions, seizures, brain damage and death even when the motorcyclist is wearing a helmet. Your helmet is no match for an impact with 2 tons of steel and glass coming at you at 40 miles per hour. Even if you walk away from the impact, seemingly unharmed, it is always best to seek medical attention immediately to check for concussions. Helmets can protect you, but only to a certain extent. It is always important to take precautions when riding a motorcycle. But sometimes, even if you take every precaution necessary, another driver’s negligence can cause irreparable damage.
Brain Damage and Concussions
Concussions, also known as Traumatic Brain Injury, cannot be seen with an untrained eye. Sometimes the injured person may have a cut or a scratch, but the actual concussion can be tricky to diagnose. Sometimes the symptoms may not show up until days or weeks after the impact.
Here are some symptoms of a concussion:
- Confusion or Feeling Dazed
- Clumsiness
- Slurred speech
- Nausea or Vomiting
- Headache
- Balance problems or dizziness
- Blurred vision
- Sensitivity to Light and Noise
- Sluggishness
- Ringing in ears
- Behavior or personality changes
- Concentration difficulties
- Memory loss
Traumatic brain injuries can lead to permanent loss of cognitive, perceptual, emotional and physical abilities. If you suffered a brain injury, your life is thrown off track and you need specialists to regain your abilities lost in the accident. An Dallas motorcycle injury attorney can help you get the medical attention you need to address these issues. Insurance
Claims After a Motorcycle Accident in Dallas
After a motorcycle accident, it is especially important what you say to insurance companies. The insurance adjuster’s job is to maintain a bottom line and cut costs. Insurance companies may try to low-ball your claim. Consequently, this may lead to less than optimal medical care and less compensation for loss and damage.
If you are physically injured, seek medical attention first. If you are physically able, collect all the information you can or enlist someone to do so on your behalf. Even when you are insured to the fullest extent, insurance companies may try to find a loophole to get out of providng you the compensation you deserve.
An experienced motorcycle injury lawyer can help you navigate the insurance policy legalese so you can get back to health, back to work and back to riding.
We are Here to Help
Whether you were the motorcycle operator or the passenger, you are not alone in seeking the help you will need after an accident. Contact our Dallas motorcycle injury lawyers today for a free consultation to find out how we can help you and your loved ones. Call 214-484-1930.