We offer free case evaluations, and you owe nothing unless we win. Call before time on your case runs out.
Call Now:
Austin: 512-535-1649
Dallas: 214-484-1930

If you are asking yourself what to do after a car accident then you need to give L|T Legal Team a call immediately. From the second we sign you up as a client, an Austin or Dallas personal injury attorney is assigned to your case and begins immediately working to get you the compensation you deserve. While we are preparing your case for trial, we are also aggressively negotiating with the negligent driver’s insurance adjuster in an effort to reach a settlement favorable to you. If the insurance company refuses to offer you a reasonable settlement, we file suit and continue to fight on your behalf all the way to a jury trial. Read more below for a better understanding of the pre-litigation and litigation processes.
We strive to settle your car wreck case without resorting to costly and time consuming litigation. Before we can settle your case, however, it is necessary to know the extent of your medical injuries. If a law firm settles your case too soon, they may settle it for less than it is worth because they may not be taking into consideration the need for a future surgery or care that is not diagnosed until after the settlement. As such, it is necessary to allow you to complete your course of medical treatment before we present a demand to the other driver’s insurance company. Once we have a firm understanding of your injuries and damages, a demand is then made. Naturally, we confer with you closely before making the demand and beginning negotiations. Ms. Jane Ann Cruce is the lead attorney in the pre-litigation department. She has over 10 years of experience resolving cases in the pre-litigation stage and has had great success with other Dallas car wreck firms before joining L|T Legal Team.
If the other driver’s insurance company is unwilling to provide you with reasonable compensation for your injuries, your case then goes to litigation. To be a successful car wreck firm, the personal injury attorneys must be willing to take cases to trial, and we are. Our lawyers will take the time and effort to develop your car wreck case through the litigation process and present it to a judge and jury at trial. During this process, additional attempts will be made to settle your case, including the use of mediation, but the end goal will always be preparing your case for trial. We believe this approach is necessary to maximize the value of your claim.
Again, if you or a loved one have been injured in an automobile accident, call the Dallas and Austin car wreck attorneys at L|T Legal Team today at 214-484-1930 for a free consultation. And remember, you don’t owe us any fees or litigation expenses unless we win. Let us help you get the compensation you deserve. Call today to put our skills to work for you.