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The Arlington personal injury attorneys at Lovins Law know the importance of hiring a skilled attorney when you have sustained injuries caused by another party’s negligence. If you are in need of an Arlington injury lawsuits attorney, we provide aggressive, effective legal representation. Unfortunately, those who suffer an injury bear the burden of proving the liability of the responsible party. Our professionals will guide you through the process, answer your questions, and address all of the legal issues on your behalf, allowing you to focus on healing from your injuries.
There are countless ways that an individual may be injured through no fault of his or her own. Car or motorcycle accidents, boating/truck accidents, slip and fall, defective products, medical negligence, even workplace accidents. No matter how you were injured, if it is the fault of another person or party, do not hesitate before consulting with a reputable Arlington personal injury attorney. Many people assume that the responsible party and/or their insurance company will pay fair damages, but this is not generally the case. Arlington injury lawsuits lawyers know that insurance companies typically under compensate injury victims in order to protect their own profits.
At Lovins Law our Arlington personal injury attorneys are experienced, skilled and capable. We work diligently to protect the legal rights of injured victims and obtain the full compensation you deserve. We will investigate the accident/circumstances that caused your injury, examine the evidence, interview any eyewitnesses, analyze medical reports and do whatever is necessary to ensure you are justly compensated. While you may not realize it, the costs of being injured far exceed medical bills. Our Arlington injury lawsuits attorneys know that other expenses injured victims often face include lost wages, future income (if your injuries require extensive or long-term treatment), pain and suffering, emotional trauma and more.
Don’t make the mistake of taking the settlement offered by the defendant’s insurance company. We realize this is easy to do, when you’re injured and simply want to put it all behind you. However, the settlement offered by the insurance company will likely not make a dent in the expenses you will face as a result of your injuries. Without the skill and dedicated approach of a trusted Arlington personal injury lawyer on your side, you could potentially face serious financial difficulty.
If you or a loved one have been injured due to negligence, contact the Arlington personal injury attorneys at Lovins Law today. Let us secure the full compensation you deserve, so that you can focus on putting your life back on track.