A police officer in Decatur, Texas was extremely fortunate this weekend to survive a wreck with an 18-wheeler.
On Thursday evening Officer Matthew Roberts, with the Decatur Police Department, had parked his patrol SUV on the side of Highway 287 to conduct traffic stops. Soon after parking on the shoulder, an 18-wheeler truck veered off the road and struck Roberts’ SUV.
The driver of the 18-wheeler, Christopher Toussaint, 39, was found to be intoxicated, charged with DWI, and jailed at the Wise County Jail. Officer Roberts sustained major injuries, and was airlifted to a local hospital, though he was released by Friday. The police department later released a statement saying he would be okay.
The SUV itself was extremely damaged, and after the collision sat upside down against a utility pole, with the back half of the SUV essentially torn apart.